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When Vampires Attack

Evening Edition VOLUME XVI October 28th, 2000

A Simple Plan
by Louis Cypher
How can such a simple plan go wrong? Following up on a rumor that the Sabbat were stockpiling weapons and shock-troops in a Synagogue, Xavier and Allister Holland spear-headed a raiding party consisting of a variety of Clan members. Two seperate parties were sent in, under the guise of Caine's Gift of Invisibility. Once inside, however, something went terribly wrong. Shots were fired, and all planning went down the drain. The remainder of the raiding party entered and slew several Sabbat before the fire started in the building spread. While departing, witnesses say that an acknowledged member of the Giovanni family attempted to stake Xavier. He was immediatly torpored by the Lasombra, who fled the building with the rest of the raiding party. Between a Kindred setting a building, full of his fellow Camarilla, on fire, to a Giovanni being bribed by the Sabbat to deliver Xavier to them, the raid was a disaster. Thankfully, only Sabbat un-lives were taken and none of the Camarilla were injured or killed.

Giovanni Infiltrator Found
by Xavier
The Giovanni have been hiding behind their treaty for centuries. They seek acknowledgement in Camarilla cities, but claim a form of 'diplomatic immunity' when Traditions are broken, hiding behind the treaty to avoid punishment. The member of the family that attacked me did no such thing. For that he should be commended. During a Court interrogation by the Seneschal and the Primogen, the Giovanni admitted his guilt, claiming his goal was power promised him by the Sabbat for the delivery of a Lasombra antitribu. He was found guilty of several breaches of the Traditions. His heart was forcefully removed by the Seneschal. Rumors of a ban on new Giovanni coming into the city is spreading.

"It’s a Trap."
by Les B. Inn
It’s a trap. That was the unanimous opinion of every Kindred in Sacramento upon hearing that a pack of Sabbat had reportedly holed up in a Citrus Heights Synagogue. The response? “Let’s get ‘em!” Giovanni bookies laid heavy odds that the place of worship would be go up in flames. Judging from initial fire-martial reports, nearly every Vampire in attendance was looking to secure a sure bet. While local the local Jewish community mourns the loss of Rabbi Jacob Cohen, beheaded at the scene, those inside the community worry about the surviving holy men, several of whom have been heard muttering in Hebrew, about a “snake man” and other lilitu. Those Camarilla Kindred who drove to the Synagogue found their vehicles decorated in their absence with a swastika-watermarked bumper sticker reading: Six million isn’t a statistic. It’s a start.

It Was a Trap.
by The Dove
Munafiqun “Kindred” lit the match that began this year’s annual esbat. As local Sabbat revel to a week of flames, officials reiterate the Sect’s superior stance on kine and the cattle’s proper use in the Jyhad. Meanwhile, the Sword of Caine has started a round of wagers amongst itself on the matter of how long it will be before the thoroughness of the Sabbat’s latest tactic sinks in. Tzimisce, Malkavians, and Toreador dominate the bets against the Sacramento’s deductive power.

Rogue Tremere Spotted
by Dr. Kimble
Terrence Fast, Woody Flowers, Ignatius Brandeis, and Robert Waterman, the fugitive Tremere blood-hunted in San Francisco and ordered staked and delivered by Vienna were seen on the southern outskirts of Stockton this week. The group, seeking to buy their way back into Tremere’s good graces, in not the Camarilla’s, was intercepted by a group of Sabbat calling itself The Craft. The pack is a Tzimisce group dedicated to returning Thaumaturgy to the Sabbat, without forgoing Vicissitude. Already rumored to have all mastered the Path of Mars, the kuldun would undoubtedly be a deadly force if they wrestled the secrets from the Camarilla renegades. At last report, all four Tremere escaped after a minor scuffle and continue their search.
A Jewish Synagogue lay in flames now due to the Sabbat infestation and the Camarilla attack? How many more stuctures will Sacramento lose on account of supernatural activity?
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Feeding the Hungry
by Clark
In preparation for fallen Camarilla, the Dove has organized a local Diner’s Club. In conjunction with a member of The Craft who knows the ritual, Nectar of the Bitter Rose, those seeking to lower their generation are asked to register with the Assamite antitribu for maximum efficiency of digestion. Camarilla diablerists are invited to join.

It's a Bird, It's a Plane,
It's an Elephant?!?

by Lester
Amongst the flames, Hannibal passed through Sacramento valley. As it turns out, the alastor only stopped to fill his gas tank and a pick up a pack of Tic-Tacs. Rumor is that he will be on holiday in Tijuana.

Grumblings from the Shadows
by Yermom Wazgood
Although these rumors are not proven yet they do bring a hasty warning. A certain group of individuals is petitioning each of the Primogen of the city for the removal of our Respected Prince Recoil. None of the Primogen was to be found to confirm or deny anything to this effect. And the identity of the group trying to overthrow Prince Recoil has yet to show any signs of coming out of the shadows to bear it's true form. Who they are and what they want is still unknown.

Trippyman's Rant
by Trippyman
Sacramento was a respected Camarilla city at one time. Everyone respected the Traditions and understood the importance of keeping the Masquerade and the ability to interact in today's society. Fighting in front of the Elysium, breaking the Masquerade, and disrespecting the Prince were all sentences to death. This city drifted away from that and now that Prince Recoil has taken over, the city is returning to its once respected status amongst the Camarilla. Unlike 99% of the city's population now, Prince Recoil remembers the past. Ask him about it some time; he has a lot to say. Hopefully he remembers….
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