Camarilla 101
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This newsletter is based on the LARP game run by
Dave Mitchell, on Saturday Nights at the Grange Hall in Rancho Cordova, CA.
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Happi Holidays!

Evening Edition VOLUME XXIII December 16th, 2000

A Happi Sacrifice
by Prince Recoil
I have seen the bravest act of any city member. When myself, Lark and John-o got pulled into the umbral plane after the city came together and destroyed Winston Kobeyashi...we had a decision to make, how the three of us, defenseless in this realm, could take on the very bane spirit that haunted Corny-ashi. The three of us had to come to one decision and were thrust into a situation where we had to think quick...when was the last time ya could get a Brujah, a Malk, and a Tremere to come to one judgement. So I did what I thought was right, I talked to it. The only way that it would let us go, was to take one of us as a vessel, as it did with Kobeyashi...after much debate, a deal was struck, I was going be it's host, and we would have full control over it's hunting. Jonathon was not happy with this, sorry about the pun, he quickly wielded his axe and said he would strike me down if I did it. The creature began to speak thru my voice, which is absolute hell on the chords man...and it conversed with Jon. Jonathon willingly sacrificed himself for my life and Larks, and the greater good of the city. Jonathon appearantly asked to be staked shortly thereafter so that he could not even begin to perform the heinous act that Kobeyashi did when he was infected by this vermin. All of your help is needed to do this much needed research on bane spirits.
The Sacramento Shadow's

"Though I have had to face must distrust due to the infamy of my blood and my past affiliations with the Sabbat, you all may mark my take my word that I am a member of the Camarilla, and I will be until the Final Nights of Gehenna. I am a man of my word." -Xavier Decosta

For this and many more quotes...check out the Kindred Post section of the
Sacramento Shadow
Whispers in the night will only speculate on the status of Jonathon Smith. With the city in 24-hour vigil, those seeking to end the elder's unlife will be met with extreme force as previously stated by Prince and council.

Rumor Of The Rose
By Les B. Inn
The Toreador hold repect and honor in the court of Sacramento. Some would even say that they hold great imfluence also, but the Primogen is to question. Georgia Chase Primogen of Clan Toreador claims to have great plans for her clan and the city. But, where is she. Only showing up once and a great while for court, and not following threw with her ideas. It is rumored that she is only a pawn of Falstaff Jennings. A Toreador which would release her was asked about her ideas on the Primogen she stated,"Why I believe that our dear Ms. Chase is doing quite well", but Falstaff could bring better things to Sacramento. It must be just to drab here.
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