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This newsletter is based on the LARP game run by
Dave Mitchell, on Saturday Nights at the Grange Hall in Rancho Cordova, CA.
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Evening Edition VOLUME XXIV December 23rd, 2000

Vanishing Act
by Silent One
As any normal night in the city, things happen. Jonathon Smith vanished fully to the umbra and in an attempt to find him, Prince Recoil, Allister Holland, and E-gad teamed up to meet with a Garou. Out in the woods in the middle of no where things went smoothly till an un-named Garou showed. Both Garous vanished with E-Gad to the umbra. The city Kindred who watched from afar grew bored with the wait and left with little word and all was silent till Allister dropped as if in torpor then vanished before the couple of Kindred who stayed. Worried, the search for the body was on till Recoil dropped also and vanished. One person who will remain un-named was left to hunt for them. Shortly after E-Gad and the Garou showed to help locate the bodies. The Prince was quickly found by the great sight of E-Gad in his wolven shape, and with help from the Garou the body stayed in view. Allister though was not found though another being was known to be around. During closing court though our own Father Natasha dropped off the body of Allister Holland and Recoil lay motionless in his throne. It would seem that through the Umbra Jonathon was not found but something was ripped from Prince Recoil and Allister Holland. When will they awaken and the mood? Who knows and perhaps it is for the best. Where is Jonathan at this point? No one is sure and with his actions lately finding him wouldn't be the best bet, unless his poor soul could be saved.

The Bane of the Camarilla
by Louis Cypher
As we all know, Elysium has been plagued by a spiritual entity from a realm known as the Umbra, an entity known as a Bane. After successfully possessing the body of Winston Kobeyashi, the Bane proceeded to wisk a few elders away from Court a few weeks ago. Egad, Prince, Recoil, Lark, Seneschal Jonathan, and the Lasombra, Xavier were those very elders. Egad and Xavier were returned with no apparent problems, however Recoil, Jonathan and Lark all returned possessed by part of the Bane. Jonathan asked that he be put down and sent to the Soze Wing, where he has been for weeks. Lark is temporarily out of action due to the actions of Morgan Powell. Recoil was returned by the visiting Lupine, Friday, and Egad during Closing Court. The problem may not be so easily solved it seems. Let's just hope the dilemma is rectified before more Lupines show up.

New Kid On The Block
by Les B. Inn
Kindred come in and out of the city like flys. Saturday a new Brujah named Chuck wandered in, bringing trouble with him. He attacked and harrassed a new Ventrue. I was unable to get his name, but when Mr. Soze was asked what he would like done with Chuck, because Misery Brujah Primogen was unavailable, he said, "Nothing. It's over." What is this city coming too?

The Sacramento Shadow's

We (Brujah) seriously need to get together, we have no sense of unity anymore, and that needs to be rekindled. Come see me, I'm the guy that beat up Lark. -Morgan Powell

For this and many more quotes...check out the Kindred Post section of the
Sacramento Shadow
Egad, Recoil, Xavier, and Allister Holland, will they all eventually suffer the same fate as Kobeyashi? Or can Recoil help Jonathon and put an end to this creature before it is too late.

Do the Right Thing
by Xavier DeCosta
Saturday was one of the most memorable Gathers in recent memory. The night started with the torporing of the Tremere Regent, Lark. Apparently, the notorious Brujah Tre insulted the Warlock, and in a rage Lark attacked the Brujah with fists and magic. Before the fight got too far, however, I interceded, pulling Tre away from the frey just as Morgan Powell of the Brujah stepped up and attacked Lark. After being lifted off of the ground by the telekenetic powers of the Tremere's blood magic, Morgan proceeded to shoot and beat down the Elder to the point of torpor. The body was retrieved by myself and the Sheriff, Father Natasha. Lark is being well guarded until the point that he returns from his forced slumber. Perhaps he will learn that Elders should show more restraint when dealing with neonates, lest they put him in his place.

How It's Done
by Megalomaniac
Now that a few of the Elders have been taken down or at least put into Torpor the madness will start and chaos will erupt. The Brujah will run the streets and create many a breach. Witch-hunt trials will start and everyone will see if the Malkavian's will sink and live, or float and die. Our Artistic Toreador will continue to sit on their thumbs and do nothing. Clan Gangrel is driving in Neutral and not going anywhere. Tremere, it doesn't look good. Although a citywide cleansing wouldn't be considered a bad thing, it might just happen. The Ventrue are all but one and we are many, Soze will mind his manners. Or suffer a fate worse than any of his "Elder Chap's". And last but not least the Nosferatu of Sacramento. All of us here are very appreciative of your hospitality and cooperation in our joint ventures. It has made our jobs that much easier.

Droppin' Like Flies
by Urbie the Duck
No, I am not talking about the current Elder situation, well sorta...ok here's my point, the once mighty council that the Prince had once dwindling...Tyler Duran's Harpy seat was occupied by the Keeper of the time, Angelo De La Torre...which is a big mess in his own right, being as though he dropped the position of Keeper, and that seat is currently unmanned. Sheriff Michael, the former Fomori-Infested-Sesame-Street-Singing Stalker was quickly yanked of his seat and it was taken by Father Natasha, someone who should have been chosen in the first place. And Xavier the LaSombra as our Scourge? At least it allows him to kill the unacknowledged ones...cause if he wasn't scourge, the stupid son of a bitch would have been Bloodhunted long ago...I think the Prince needs to reassemble a new council, one that would at least help support the Prince before he goes and spreads himself to thin.
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