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This newsletter is based on the LARP game run by
Dave Mitchell, on Saturday Nights at the Grange Hall in Rancho Cordova, CA.
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Rumors of Fallen Cities
Evening Edition VOLUME 36 March 24th, 2001
Mutiny in the County
by Pen Knight
It was bound to happen some day. The removing of Prince Recoil. But who was going to come forth and call the vote to remove Sacramentos longest running Prince? Falstaff. The ever so brave one found a little fire burning in the sub-cockles of his soul, and spoke against Recoil, and his ability to lead the city. With pride and ego in tow, Falstaff called for a gathering of the Primogen to decide the fate of our Prince. With Soze as his campaign manager, Falstaff made his motion to become Prince himself, it was heard by the Primogen, and was denied by opposition to the measure. A gathering of "substitute" Primogen shot down the vote, and rumors a flying that a second vote this next week is going to include the actual Primogen. I guess it is left to the city and the cainites in it to decide who you want more as Prince, Falstaff or Recoil.

by Ghost in the Manchine
Many of the cities officials were away on personal business this past Saturday night. It was unusually quiet for a Saturday. Faynt was the spokesperson for court. Falstaff provided the nights entertainment Fortunately, He chose not to sing. We all remember his last performance. The marksman missed his target by at least eight inches. Speaking of inces, someone engraved "Recoil sucks **CENSORED**" on his throne. No one Auspexed the chair to find the culprit. In lighter news, Feather was ejected out of clan Tremere for using burning blood on her own clanmate. She was attacked during a meeting and Korvan tried to rescue her. She thought he was attempting to attack. How many attempts has been on her in the last year? Five at least. Dr. Collins graciously has given her Hospitality within clan Malkavian. This now puts a spin on the battlelines between each great clan. More to come folks, more to come.

Intraclan feud
by Lucian
It seems that clan tremere is at it again. Mekhet stunningly threw Feather out of the clan after she used blood magic on a clan mate. Where does this anarch's pretension end? Will he finish what cameron started, will he tear the clan down all the way. Maybe out of all this the tremere will end up better. Currently Feather is with the Malkavians pending the actions of local Tremere. We must ask ourselves, why did feather use thaumaturgy on a clanmate that was trying to help her after something happened? I doubt we shall know soon.

The Sacramento Shadow's

I have yet to see status given by the Prince without the subject being brought up by someone else. Of course, to have the subject brought up requires that you either grant political favors to others or make yourself look like a status whore, for example, Falstaff.
- Faynt, Nosferatu Primogen

For this and many more quotes...check out the Kindred Post section of the
Sacramento Shadow
Will Sacramento fall at the hands of the turmoil caused by such bureaucrats as Alexander Soze and Falstaff Jennings? Or will their attempts at putting Falstaff as Prince actually help the city in the wake of the Wraith Crisis?

Fashion Police
by Crazie Jane
I see from the postings that there is a self appointed Fashion Police {FP}. Well isn't that special. Why is fashion so important? It is that all-important first impressions of course. In the world we live in clothes can dictate the inner vampire. A well-dressed Gangrel is not going to be wearing a suit. A pressed flannel shirt and blue jeans with scuff boots says," I am a rugged individual do not piss me off." That tells the social butterflies in their finest, "I am not part of your circle so leave me be." How a vampire dresses for court or that Toreador ball is important. Trying to shame a vampire into your style of dress is an invitation to make lots of enemies. Dress codes are for high school not a vampire court. There is no need of a FP in court. A vampire when released by his/her sire is free to dress however he/she pleases. Thus a FP will only cause dissention.

What Must Be known
by Mekhet
Feather is no longer of house and clan by judgment of the sacramento chantry after we talked over her failure to prove herself and the culmination was a choice of the clan to enforce a law she herself passed within the Tremere. This all came to a point when she broke the oath that we all have seen on the board by assulting Korvin. I threw her out by my right as primogen and it is my hope that all the clans know her for the viper she wants to be, Feather believes judgemnet of the world is within her rights alone and will lead all she can into the fires. She is flawed and likely broken of mind. I ask you all to consider what has befallen Clan Tremere while she lead it, and i ask the city to forgive our clan for her tresspasses, but only when she was amdist us. Now she is alone and not of our family by the laws she knew she was breakin

Toronto News: Cartel Crackdown
by V. Carter
Police raids on suspected Colombian cartel members within Toronto continued today, after almost a week of calm. At least 15 are dead after a series of pinpoint attacks against drug dealers in the downtown core, as well as several suppliers located in Scarborough.
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