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Archon Intervention

Evening Edition VOLUME III July 22nd, 2000

"Seems we have some guests..."
The Elders were down, but they were not out. Kobeyashi, Soze, and Recoil all made their return this week...and brought company...Archon James Sinclair escorted the two Ventrue and his childer into the opening festivities of last nights Gathering. Archon Sinclair was quick to lift the Bloodhunt of Soze and Kobeyashi, and conducted a brief questioning of both parties in front of the congregation of Kindred. Several misconceptions of the incident were cleared up, however there was still no concrete evidence as to why these two were exiled in the first place. They said that the Primogen's word is final and they need give no reasoning behind their motives. The Primogen were given the opportunity to actually discuss matters with there clans prior to going to the voting booths. End vote, the exile was reinstated, and Archon Sinclair escorted the two out to the Airport, where they went their seperate ways unharmed.

Falstaff Jennings...Magnifique.
by Ox Kapela
The only one who can out do Falstaff, is Falstaff himself. This Ancillae Tenor dazzled the crowd at the Toreador Art Show with an accapella rendition of "Don't Cry for me Dottore". And brought the crowd to it's feet. Now the Vocal Genius is composing a new show for the City of Sacramento, and is planning a duet with a mystery guest...again proving that this Entertainer has nothing but show business on his mind. Bravo Falstaff, Bravo.

The Physics of Recoil
by I. Newton
For every action, there is an equally opposite reaction. Especially when it comes to Recoil. Last night, Turk "Recoil" Sinclair made his way back in for questioning at the request of the Prince. As you recall, Recoil last week had interrupted the cities attempt on the unlives of the exiled Ventrue. For this the Prince wanted answers, and with a panel of Specialist Kindred, and the likes of Archon Sinclair and Tremere Region, Lark. The interrogation was intense at times, but a gift of Caine allowed Lark the ability to extract the memories from the deeply hypnotized Brujah. Recoil, in a trance, began to tell the tale and reasoning behind his actions. Shortly thereafter, the Prince, Archon, and Region, all came to the agreement that Recoil was innocent. During closing court, this announcement was made to the city...where shortly thereafter Archon Sinclair, and his son Recoil, and sister Dora "Switchblade" Sinclair, then left for Reno to handle some family business.
Sacramento Elders Under Fire. (Left to right: Winston Kobeyashi, Alexander Soze, Recoil Sinclair)
Photography by Sarah Rose.
by Sar Kastick
Seems that we the Kindred of Sacramento have been all wrong. The Elysium is no safe haven, it is a "watch-where-you -sit-or-you-will-be-decapitated" death trap. Leave it to the Neonates to have a rule which if you are caught sitting in the Princes Throne, you are going to "lose a limb", and there isn't even a single Brujah on the City Counsel. Several Ancillae and Elders have already begun expressing there concern over the current status of the Elysium, but what is that going to do? In a city where a chair gets more justice than those who have sat in it or who have been loyal to it, this is only another sign, that changes to the city need to be made. On this City Counsel, is also a one-sided war between the Seneschal and the Harpy, Tyler Duran...although it minor to most eyes, more injustice is taking place and the Seneschal is abusing his power. These internal struggles and delusional priorities are weakening this city, with recent Sabbat uprisings, don't be too suprised when Kindred are kidnapped or killed, and an all out attack is waged on the city by the Sabbat. So if you want to be on the safe side...crack open those bomb shelters, climb in, lock the door, and hope that the Sabbat don't have the key...or hope that the Primogen didn't have a vote for your keys to unlock it for them.

Cat and Mouse Games
by Nikita
The Malkavians known as Cat and Mouse just couldn't keep there mouths shut in closing court. And well a new game was made. No longer just Cat and Mouse, But Cat and Mouse get Dogged. Man, some of the blows landed by the Brujah Clan were some nasty shots, but what do you expect of an Elysium that's current status is balanced on the flip of a switch. With a Gargoyle in control of it. Guess that's like having a drunk at the helm of Air Traffic Control. Cat and Mouse were severely beaten, the Sacramento Shadow has been unable to contact Jonathon, Primogen of Clan Malkavian for questions concerning his views on the sanctioned attack.

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