Scholar, sailor, illegal alien, laborer, ball turret gunner, hobo, avenger,
 ghoul, and finally businessman are the composition of a modern vampire.

My regnant is all of this and more. From humble beginnings in Florence, Italy my regnant began his life. As a young man he delighted in tales of the sea. Thus he followed his dream. He became a sailor on a freighter named “Carpathia”. How prophetic. From Milan to Calcutta, from Tripoli to Timbuktu, and all points in between my regnant sailed in only two decades. But like all sailors, he came to desire a more permanent home, one that is by the sea.
He came to live on The Rock of Gibraltar.  There he was just another longshoreman. Doing all the longshoremen do. Then Adolph Hitler got froggy.  However, word from Italy was that Mussolini was just another Adolph want-to-be. Thus to help free his homeland he had to fight against his country. He signed on to a London bound freighter under an alias. Once in London he signed for the Royal Air Force. He at the time did have an English accent from all those years on Gibraltar.
Miss Lucy, Lady Jane, Sussex Lass, Lady Luck, Miss Lady, Nora, and London Belle were all B-17s of the RAF. Each one my regnant served on as a ball turret gunner.  All was lost one way or another except Nora the B-17G, she the last,. Thirty missions and twenty kills, Guido “George Cornwall” Giovanni managed to survive the war coming out as minor hero. With the war over, he returned to Florence. There he found he had nothing to hold him. He had in good conscience fought tyranny. Thus he left the Old Country for America. Once here, he took up that romantic American notion and road the rails. But like the sea, he left the rails. His last stop was Fargo, North Dakota.
 It was here he took up protection of the local ladies of the evening. He can brawl. Thus he was to reduce the number of beatings the girls got at the hands of irate Johns. This of course got the attention of one Giovanna Giovanni. After all, prostitutes do compose a good chunk of anyone’s street influence. After her initial investigation, she found him to be of the Giovanni blood. Thus she had a sit down with Guido and told him of his heritage. He then freely accepted the role of her ghoul. He became Giovanna’s foot soldier. After many years of dedicated service, she rewarded my regnant with embracement. Then on October 31st, 1976 Giovanna added another vampire to the family. He then like all fledglings had a period of tutelage as a child vampire. But like all children he flew the nest. He had chosen to settle in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It was here he would begin to establish a business for the family in women clothing. It was here he struggled with one Helena Leland of Toreador. In the end she ended up working for my regnant as chief clothing designer.  After many years in Cheyenne, he decided to expand his business into teen and preteen clothing. He needed a place to start a new factory fore his only factory could not handle the extra output. Sacramento was the best choice to open up a new garment factory, from a business point of view. Thus, he enters a city under siege.

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