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This newsletter is based on the LARP game run by
Dave Mitchell, on Saturday Nights at the Grange Hall.
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A Neonate's Guide to the Shadows 
The Book of Nod

And the Fire of her Blood took her
And she lept upon her Grandsire
And slew him And a great shudder went through

The Childer of Caine
For the first of them had fallen to Amarantha

The battle now was enjoined
Between the Younger and Elder
And none were left aside.

The Fourth broke their bonds and rose
Against their Sires And took them honorably

Yet some of the Third saw the justice
In the Fourth's cause
And chose to support them without battle

Arikel, Saulot, Malkav, Absimiliard
Took the part of the Fourth
And lent them their strength

Lasombra broke his brother's bonds
Shattered the stone
Shadowed the light
Osiris took arms against his Siblings
For he was a true Childe Of his Sire

Ennoia, Tzimisce, Akmanin obeyed their Sire's
Zillah and Irad rose against the Fourth,
For they feared for their Unlives.

Mekhet, warrior-queen, bound the Changers
Froze their Blood
Stole the soul of their Sire.

Saulot, closest to the light of the Childen of Caine
Destroyed his Sibling's servants,
Freed them into the Beyond

He begged his Sire to flee
To not be caught
By the raging Fire of the Jyhad

The Fourth gave her passage
Granted her leave
Yet not all were in agreement

Sutekh, walker in darkness
Chosen in tribute to his Sire's Sibling
Took Zillah from the darkness
Stole her soul, kept her power

Flaunted to his Sibling Osiris
Challenged his Sire's Sibling
Battles ceased, anger died

Yet the City lay in ruins
Its people fled, its heart on Fire

The remaining Kindred, brought
To equal power by their acts
Settled their debts
Turned to rebuild the city The city of the Sire's
The city of Caine's Childer

Yet one barred their way
Stopped their paths
Caine, father of all.

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