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For Those New To The Shadows 
The Stations of the Camarilla
Every organization has a heirarchy, and the Camarilla is no exception. The following is a list of the stations of the Camarilla.

The overseer of a city, and traditionally the eldest of its residents, although in North America this is not always true. The Prince enforces the Traditions, and is the final arbator of disputes between Kindred. He/She claims the right of Domain over a city, and serves as its lawmaker and judge. Other residents of the city are under no obligation to follow the Prince's dictates, but to ignore them is not a formula for long term survival, and some Kindred obey only as much as their cowardice allows.

While it is true that the Prince is usually the strongest and most powerful resident, any who claim Domain over a city must have the support of the Primogen Council. And because of conflicting agendas, there is often a delicate balance of power between the Council and the Prince.

Because the title of Prince is not hereditary, a situation may sometimes arise where more than one Kindred claims Domain over a city. In this case the two contenders battle for the position. But sometimes the battles are in the political realm, and are long term, with faction contesting against faction. If the ruling Prince cannot maintain order, she may be forced to step down. But if the Prince has the support of the Primogen Council, it is nearly impossible to win against her.

Sometimes, if the station becomes vacant, a Prince will be elected by the Primogen Council, although not all Kindred want this honour. There have been occasions where a city is ruled by the Council alone. But there are undeniable benefits that come with the position. Princes have the right of Progeny, as well as increased Status, and support of most of the Elders in the city. She also has control over the Domain, and those who reside in it. She can set feeding areas, and has the power to call a blood hunt.

The Prince's second-in-command, and usually a powerful vampire in her own right. She advises the Prince, and will also make decisions and issue orders on the Prince's behalf if she is unavailible. However, these decisions may ultimately be reversed or overruled by the Prince. Primogen Council

Each city is controlled by a Prince, who is advised (but not always restrained) by the Primogen Council, which often contains a representative from each Clan. These vampires, known as Primogen, are usually the Elders and leaders of their respective clans. But even though they are advisors, most have their own agendas separate from that of the Prince.

A member of the Primogen Council, usually a Clan Elder. Although not quite as powerful as the Prince, these Kindred are influencial in their own right, and serve as a check on the Prince's powers. They represent the interests of their Clan to the Prince, and in turn convey the Prince's dictates to the Clan. Usually, the Clan will choose which of their members they wish to sit on the Primogen Council, but sometimes the Prince will choose the Kindred she feels is most suitable. The Primogen is considered the Clan's leader, and has increased status because of this, and therefore has control of status within her Clan.

A social rumour-monger and arbitrator of Status within the city. The lead Harpy is selected by a majority vote of the Primogen Council, and can then appoint sub-harpies. The Harpies arbritate disputes involving boons, as well as scandals withing the Camarilla. The station can be revoked by a vote of the Primogen Council at any time, but while a Kindred holds the position, the Primogen show their support by each loaning her a point of Status.

The title given the assistant of a Primogen. They organize Status within their Clan, and stand in at Primogen Council meetings if their Primogen is unable to attend. In addition, they sometimes serve as an intermediary between the Primogen and the rest of the Clan.

A Kindred selected by the Prince and Primogen Council who enforces the Traditions within the Prince's Domain, as well as the edicts of the Prince. Because of the importance of these duties, the Sheriff has the authority to request that any kindred accompany her for questioning and judgement, and as a result, is immune to the powers of the Keeper of the Elysium.

Keeper of the Elysium
A Kindred charged with maintaining the peace at Elysium gatherings. As a consequence, they must often work closely with the Sheriff. In addition, they punish those who have broken the Masquerade.

One who searches the Domain for Kindred who do not have the Prince's leave to reside there. When such Kindred are found, they are either killed or driven out. Appointed by the Prince for their ability to do the task assigned to them, they are usually of great power, and some have been known to be overzealous in their duties.

An intermediary for the Prince. The Herald keeps track of the appointments the Prince has, and tries to ensure that the Prince's time is not wasted.

The Camarilla is a worldwide organization, and as a result, holders of the following stations and positions within the Sect are not often encountered, but perhaps that is for the best, considering the power that they wield.

The Inner Circle
- The group of vampires that rule the Camarilla, consisting of one representitve from each of the founding Clans of the Sect. These representatives are immensely powerful, and extremely old. Every thirteen years this group meets in the city of Venice to appoint the Justicars.

- A Kindred that holds the power to punish transgressions of the Traditions, and one of the ultimate authorities in the Camarilla. There are only seven Justicars at any one time, one from each of the Clans of the Camarilla, and all within the sect are subject to their authority, with the only exceptions being members of the Inner Circle.

Justicars are usually Kindred of extreme power, and are not subject to the Tradition of Domain. A Prince may not banish them, and the Justicar is not required to present herself to a Prince when she enters her Domain. They are free to travel when and where ever they wish.

Only Justicars can call a Conclave, where their judgements are dispensed. These are often harsh, as there are no written guidelines for penalties for specific crimes. And in addition, a Justicar's decisions may only be challenged by another Justicar.

- An assistant to or representitive of a Justicar. They do the Justicar's bidding, as well as report back to her. Archons are willingly blood bound to the Justicar they serve, and are often their Childer as well. Their power lies in having the Justicar's ear, so while a Prince does have power to challenge the rulings of an Archon, it is not an act to be taken lightly.

A representitive who speaks for and acts on behalf of the Inner Circle of the Camarilla. They are, in all likelyhood, the most powerful Kindred most will ever meet, or will ever want to meet. Their opinions are not to be taken lightly.

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